Stall Information
All stalls are 9X9 there is a limit of 3 juvenile alpacas or 2 yearling or adult alpacas per single stall, 7 juveniles or 5 adults in a double stall. No stall limits.
It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to keep the exhibition area and aisles clean at all times.
Exhibitors may advertise their sales list and sell alpacas or alpaca related products at their stalls. Several vendors will be present to sell apparel, tack and gift items.
All stalls at the SHOWTACULAR will be provided with straw bedding.
Stall space will be assigned with preference given to sponsor levels and time of full payment as long as space is available. After that, placement will be determined by time stamp given by our online registration system.
Farm displays are encouraged. All farm displays must be totally contained within a stall space. We need to keep the isles clear for people to move throughout the building. No farm displays are allowed to spill into the isles.
Stall Sharing
- Both Farms A and B will need to complete their own Reservation and Halter Entry Forms.
- Farm A should reserve and pay, with their own check/credit card, for all of the stalls plus their own entries and extras.
- Farm B should state on their Reservation Form that they are sharing with Farm A and pay, with their own check/credit card, for their own entries and extras.
- Farm B should then pay their share of the stall(s) directly to Farm A.
The EAA and/or NEAOBA Board Members, or designees or Show Supervisor(s) or anyone else affiliated with the EAA and NEAOBA Showtacular will not be held responsible for any problems or injuries that may occur when sharing stalls.