Member Marketplace

Attention EAA and NEAOBA members!

Regardless of the number of items you wish to sell, we welcome you to be a part of this event! It’s great exposure for your farm in addition to allowing you to get to know other alpaca owners, share and learn new ideas and have some fun!

The store will be located in the fiber corner next to the EAA Yarn project booth.

Like products will be arranged with like product. Members are encouraged to bring racks or display items to aid in proper product display.

No commercial products will be allowed in the Member Marketplace. This means that all products must be handmade or made with fiber from your farm only.

The Empire Alpaca Association will charge a 5% fee to participants of the Member Marketplace. This fee will be based on each farm’s individual total sales. This fee will cover the costs of panels, accounting fees, floor space, publicity, etc. We will be accepting all major credit cards and credit card fees will be deducted only from credit card sales.

Participant requirements:

  • Be an Empire Alpaca Association or NEAOBA member.
  • Show your animals and/or volunteer 1/2 day of your time with some other part of the show (gate keeper, ring steward, clerk, help with check-in, etc….)
  • Be willing to work at the product booth for at least a one hour slot during the show weekend.
  • Set up products on Thursday evening at the booth NO LATER THAN 7:00pm (we understand travel delays, etc. and will work with you as needed).
Alpaca yarn in member marketplace